Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Void

I think a good deal of us out there have a hole in our life or heart. So many times in so many ways, we, even as Christians, attempt to fill that hole in our life by secular ungodly means. Sometimes, we may not even recognize the hole to begin with. Filler substitutes such as food, sex, drugs, alcohol, games, spending money, working, and more, work to replace the emptiness inside. Some Christians, I've noticed, fill that hole in their hearts with charity or missions, while at the same time neglecting their families, husbands, wives, and kids. What we need to first realize is that there is a hole in our lives, in our hearts, and then realize that there is nothing in this world, produced by ourselves or by someone else, that can possibly fill that void. We need to stop working to fill that empty space by ungodly means and finally allow Jesus Christ to be our everything. I have a friend who struggles with being alone and single. Although he doesn't realize the void, he fulfills himself in unconventional ways he knows is wrong. He thinks that if he were to get a girlfriend or wife, he wouldn't have a problem anymore. She would be there to help him grow and mature, but the problem is, he has a hole in his heart and he expects a wife to fill that void; his mistake is that there is nothing and no one that can fulfill him except for Jesus Christ.

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