Friday, December 18, 2009

Witnessing to Strangers

This conversation I had with a stranger on the website,

You: hi

Stranger: hi

You: Do you think you're a good person?

Stranger: well sorta to people at least but i dont think i make any great contributions or anything

Stranger: i just dont act mean

You: So, if you died, where do you think you would go, heaven or hell? (Let's assume they exist)

Stranger: hell

You: Why?

Stranger: because im nice to people i know

Stranger: but when i t comes to other things im not

Stranger: such as i i somtimes have taken things from stores

Stranger: and i hop the train

You: So you haven't kept say the Ten Commandments?

Stranger: are asking if i follow them?

You: Asking if you've broken them.

Stranger: ofcourse ive broken them and im pretty sure every one in the world has broken them

You: I agree.

You: The Ten Commandments are God's Law. And if His law is broken, there is punishment. You've already said you've broken them, and that you feel you're going to hell. Does that concern you at all?

Stranger: well not exactly im in that stage were im not sure if any of that is real im in between deciding between any religion or atheism i think its called agnostic or somthing..

You: Right. Agnostic.

Stranger: ive started breaking more commandments ever since i questioned it

You: But as an agnostic, you entertain the idea that God might be real. That the Bible is true. You're seeking God while at the same time, running from Him.

Stranger: well im not seeking him but im not sure if hes real or not cause there arnt really any explinations

Stranger: its like im just waiting for somthing to happen

You: I have broken every commandment of the Ten. I've lied, stolen, blasphemed, murdered, commited adultery, envied, dishonored my parents, forgot the sabbath, had idols, and I've not loved God first and foremost.

Stranger: well everythingg else in my eyes is fine except murder

You: In the eyes of God, none of those things are fine.

Stranger: unless it was slef defence its alright

Stranger: if it was i mean

You: But, you said you're waiting to see if God reveals Himself to you. but I tell you, for those who seek, shall find.

Stranger: well im gonna seek and i really dont want to if he truly exist and loves every one of his people he shall seek me

Stranger: im not*

You: Oh He is seeking you. Have you ever heard of heart's door?

Stranger: no

You: It's basically a metaphore speaking the Truth that God as at your heart's door, knocking.

You: But the thing about this is,

You: He can't open the door.

You: You have to be the one opening that door to allow Him entrance.

You: God is a gentlemen. If He knocks, and you tell Him to go away, He will. He may come back later on and knock, but after so many times in your life of you telling Him to go away, He will.

You: God is seeking you. It says in the Bible that a sherpherd will leave His entire flock to find the lost sheep.

You: You, to God, are the lost sheep.

You: This conversation right now, stranger, is a knock on your door.

Stranger: well if im the lost sheep he should come and if he truly wants me he should try even harder becuase if i did beleive in him would you still be the knock on my door?

You: If you weren't right with God, and yet you still believed in Him, then yes, this would be, and is, your knock.

You: As I said, God is a gentlemen. He does want you very badly. He allowed His Son to die on the cross, He allowed His Son to take your punishment, the breaking of the Law, upon Himself, so that you wouldn't have to. If that is not God trying hard enough, then I don't know what is.

You: Do you know what I'm referring to when I mention God's Son?

Stranger: jesus if im not mistaken

You: You are correct. Do you know who Jesus is and what He did?

Stranger: i know who he is and know a bit about him

Sadly, it was at this point that the stranger disconnected our conversation.

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