This conversation I had with a stranger on the website, Names, email addresses, or websites have been either changed or omitted. The discussion begins when we began to discuss God.
You: How'd you hear of this site?
Stranger: A close friend of mine told me someone on this site may help me find my way
You: Find your way? Are you searching for something?
Stranger: I'm wondering about certain things. I may be the peppy cheerleader but... lets say that the cheer uniforms have long sleeves.. if you understand that.
You: Hmm. I'm not sure that I understand that to be honest.
Stranger: what would a certain currupt teen hide beneath sleeves
Stranger: ?
You: Oooh. I understand I think.
You: It's interesting though, that your friend would suggest this site for that. Most of the people on this site are searching for sexual gratification. Sometimes, you get decent people not looking for that.
Stranger: she found someone here and that person talked to her about things that she has not explained to me and she seemed to hope the same would happen for me
You: Ooh I see. Hmm.
You: So what are you wondering about? The certain things you mentioned before.
Stranger: I really dont know.
You: Do you believe in anything?
Stranger: In what sense.
You: God, heaven, hell, the Bible, afterlife, etc. Morals, values, etc.
Stranger: I believe in God. and his son our savior. heaven and hell are kind of "iffy" to me.
Stranger: My moral and values are kind of too many to name
You: heheh. Okay. You believe in God and His Son, our Savior. And who is His Son?
Stranger: Jesus Christ.
You: :-) And heaven and hell are iffy to you. Why is that?
Stranger: I don't see any life after death
Stranger: And, as those are the homes for the dead, i am not completely sure of them
You: Well, Heaven, as I'm sure you know, is the place where God dwells with Jesus. And this is the place God has prepared for His children. Hell is the place where those who rebel against God, go. People, when they die, will end up in one of these two places for eternity. If you think about it, Jesus is the Savior, but if there is no heaven or hell, then what was His purpose?
Stranger: I've never really thought like that
You: You see, God created hell only for the sole purpose to send the angels who rebelled against Him. I.e. Lucifer (Satan) and his followers.
You: God never wanted to send His most precious creation, us humans, to hell. But when we fell, when Adam sinned against God, we rebelled.
You: And because God is perfect, and no sin can enter into Heaven, He was left no choice but to send those who rebelled against Him, to hell.
Stranger: But those of us whom love God and cherish him shall exit this world and enter a perfect one?
You: This of course broke His heart. So, in order to save His creation, He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to earth, in the form of a human. Jesus took our punishment for sin upon Himself, so that we wouldn't have to pay the debt.
You: Honestly, being one who goes to heaven is rather simple. All you have to do is, A) Confess that you're a sinner, B.) Repent (turn away) from your sins, and C.) Admit that Jesus is Lord.
You: You see, being a good person and doing good things won't get someone into heaven. Works alone basically.
You: One must have faith.
You: It's kind of like this:
You: Let's say you were driving down the road. The speed limit was 25 mph, and you were going 60 mph. You got stopped and got a ticket for $60,000. You could not pay this debt. And of course, you can't look at the judge and say to him, "Judge, you're a good man. I don't think you will make me pay this fine because you're a good man." The judge would say, "Actually, it is because I'm a good man that I must make you pay this fine or I have to send you to jail."
You: Then suddenly, a man you don't even know walks into the court room with you, and pays your fine.
You: That's what Jesus did. You see, God is good, and because He is good, the breaking of His law must not go unpunished. Someone must pay that fine. Jesus paid it in full for all. He died upon the cross, took our punishment for our sin, so that we would be debt free.
You: Then, because we would be cleansed of our sin and debt to God, we could live happily in eternity with Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.
You: Does this make any sense to you?
Stranger: Actually, this is so clear that I am beginning to understand what I have been overlooking
Stranger: Faith and Hope are key, correct? As well as belief and repentance.
You: Right. Faith hope and love remain, but the greatest of these is Love.
You: Repentance is turning away from your sinful ways and turning to God, and following Him. Letting Him lead and guide you through life.
Stranger: I have a ring that says Hope and my friend had one that says Faith. I never understood what made me buy them. It's almost like i had the need to. It wasn't beauty, it wasnt price. I just loved them, they had an unknown meaning to me
You: Faith is important. Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. It is by faith that we understand that the universe was formed at God's command so that what is seen was not made out of what was known.
Stranger: Well, Jimmy Wells, I believe im going to get off now. You have given me a new outlook and I thank u with my everything for it.
You: Of course. One last thing:
You: Meditate on this deeply: For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son. So that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life. God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him. Whoever believes in Him is not condemned but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son.
You: And insert your name personally into it.
Stranger: John 3:16
You: And Stranger, if ever you want to talk, discuss, email me.
You: yes John 3:16. It's a common verse indeed, but once you meditate on it, it's deep.
Stranger: it have it written on my wall.
Stranger: i love it.
You: :-) awesome.
Stranger: i have it memorized.
You: :-D me too!
You: Well I won't keep you longer, but I would be pleased to hear from you in an email sometime.
You: There is a path for you Stranger. God loves you and He wants you. He died for you and wants you with Him in eternity someday.
You: Grace and peace be with you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, our King and Savior.
Stranger: Jimmy, i do believe God put u in this world to save and educate
Stranger: May he be with you every step of the way.
You: I hope He did.
You: Thank you. :-)
Stranger: Goodbye my friend
You: God bless.
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