Saturday, November 14, 2009

Falling Short

I understand, and am also challenged by, bondage of sin. To me, it is important, that no matter who the person is, whether it be someone I am counseling, witnessing to, or giving spiritual advice, it is important that they understand their sinful nature. As humans, we are born with the seed passed down from Adam. We are born naturally "evil," so to say, or with a sinful nature. Regardless, we are born without God's Holy Spirit. This in turn, however, is not an excuse, but more of an explanation. We need to first recognize our nature and that we fall short of the Glory of God. Afterward, we need to repent, which means to turn away from our sinful nature, and accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. It is my opinion that a person cannot be rehabilitated, healed, saved, or corrected until they first understand what they've done wrong or where and why they fall short.

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